Birth Trauma Counselling

All your questions answered

Birth Trauma Counselling with Sally Martin

Overcoming Birth Trauma

Have you experienced childbirth trauma or fear the prospect of another pregnancy? Are you struggling with anxiety and seeking additional support? Perhaps you feel disappointed by the lack of options presented during labor.

Our Collaborative Approach

Dr. Audris Wong collaborates closely with Sally Martin, a seasoned registered midwife, to empower women to reclaim autonomy and control over their pregnancy journey.

Meet Sally Martin, RM

Sally specializes in birth trauma counseling, utilizing Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Birth Re-imprinting to address emotional distress and facilitate healing.

What to Expect:

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): A non-invasive method that taps into energy points on the body to alleviate physical and emotional pain.

  • Matrix Reimprinting: This Meridian Tapping Therapy effectively targets emotional or physical issues, providing relief without the need for needles.

Book Your Appointment:

Take the first step towards healing. Your initial assessment with Sally is complimentary, and no referral is required.

Contact Information:

Don’t let birth trauma hold you back from embracing the joys of motherhood. Reach out to Sally Martin today to embark on your journey to healing and empowerment.

Your emotional well-being is our priority.